Forth Valley Carers Card

The Forth Valley Carers Card is a Carer identification and recognition card which has been developed by carers across Forth Valley. 

It was developed with the intention of making Carers more easily identifiable by Health and Social Care professionals, enabling them to voice their views and ideas and participate in care planning discussions.

Example of the Forth Valley Carers Card. Blue and white card with head and shoulders photo of carer, name of carer, expiry date, carer ID number and the logos for Falkirk & Clackmannanshire Carers Centre and Stirling Carers Centre.

What does the card do?

The card verifies that the holder is a registered Carer. This can help with:

  • being recognised and more involved by health and care professionals
  • accompanying the person you care for to appointments
  • improving access to relevant information and support 

What does the card NOT do?

The card is a voluntary tool and will not:

  • authorise health and social care professionals to provide confidential information
  • trigger a response from health and social care services in the event of an emergency. Please contact the Centre if you would like help with this.
  • Stirling Carers Centre issues Forth Valley Carers Cards for Carers living in the Stirling Council area. Carers living in other parts of the Forth Valley should contact Falkirk and Clackmannanshire Carers Centre to apply for a card.
  • You must be registered with Stirling Carers Centre to apply. If you are not registered, please click here to register with Stirling Carers Centre.
  • The card will show your name, photograph, expiry date, registration number, and contact details for Stirling Carers Centre.
  • If more than one person is caring for the same person, you can each register and request separate cards.

Apply for a Carers Card

To apply for a carers card through the website you must be registered with Stirling Carers Centre. Please contact us if you are unsure.

    Please note: you will need to submit a photo as part of your application.
    Upload your photo.
    Please check that you have read the photo guidelines and uploaded a photo that meets the requirements. We can accept photos in JPG, PNG or PDF format.
    If you have any issues uploading a photo, please email it to and let us know which device you are using so that we can look into it.
    Your information will be kept in accordance with data protection legislation. We will never share your information with third parties without your consent, unless we are required to do so by law. By submitting your details, you give your consent for us to handle your data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.