Welfare Benefits

Many people find that getting the right benefits in place is one of the most stressful parts of caring. Complicated forms, the need to prove your situation, and knowing exactly what to say and how to say it, can make it a bit overwhelming.
Below is a summary of the main benefits that you, or the person you care for, might be entitled to.

This is not all the benefits available, and applying for some might have a knock on effect on others. Always speak to a professional before putting in a claim. Our team is happy to chat to you about your situation and what you may be able to claim.

Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

PIP is for people aged 16-66 who have a disability or other condition that affects their health on a daily basis. The benefit amount is based on the person’s daily living and night time needs.

Attendance Allowance

Attendance Allowance is like PIP, but for people aged 66+. Again, the benefit amount is based on the person’s daily living and night time needs.

Child Disability Payment - Scotland

Child Disability Payments (CDP) replace Child Disability Living Allowance in Scotland. CDP provides support for the extra costs that a disabled child might have. It can be claimed from birth to 16 years, dependent on the condition. The benefit amount is based on the care needs of the child.

Universal Credit

Universal Credit is open to everyone, and tops up your income. The amount you get depends on your earnings and your living situation. Applications are made online, and if successful it can help you also claim council tax and rent reduction. Universal Credit can be complicated. Contact the Centre before applying.

Pension Credit Guarantee

If you receive a state pension and are on a low income, Pension Credit Guarantee tops up your income to a minimum level. You must be of state pension age to apply, and your capital and savings will be considered. There are also add-ons that you may be entitled to. Contact the Centre before applying.

Carer's Allowance

Carer’s Allowance is for Carers aged 16-66 (some exceptions apply) caring for 35 hours per week or more for a person who receives a qualifying benefit. You can claim if you are employed for 16 hours a week or less, and earn under a specified minimum amount. Carer’s Allowance can affect other benefits. Contact the Centre before applying.

In Scotland, you also receive Carer’s Allowance Supplement – a top up payment in June & December.

Additional Benefits

If you are successful in claiming certain benefits, you might also be able to apply for a Blue Badge, a National Entitlement Card travel pass, and other reductions or add-ons. Contact us for full details.