Stirling Young Carers Education Service provides specialist support to young carers within an education setting. It is vital that young carers are identified and receive appropriate support to ensure positive outcomes.

Our Education Service can help achieve this by:

Training for teachers

Providing awareness raising and training sessions to help staff to identify and refer young carers to the service.

Awareness-raising for pupils

Providing awareness raising assemblies or classes to pupils to help them to understand what a young carer is, and to encourage self-referral.

Resources to raise awareness

Providing resources to raise awareness of young carers within your school, including materials for display boards, which we can work with your school and the young carers to develop and install.

Support planning

Working with you to establish support mechanisms for young carers, including lunchtime groups, timetabled classes, internal awareness raising events, etc.

We welcome conversations around how we can better support you and the young carers in your school – contact our Young Carers Education Officer on 01786 447 003 or email

Carers Trust Scotland has produced a good resource to help schools identify and support Young Carers.