Do you own a business or work for a company that would like to support us?

We are growing our base of businesses who make a commitment to supporting local Carers through financial or in-kind donations, and by raising awareness of Carers in the workplace and with customers. We can support you in return by offering advice and resources to help you become a Carer Friendly organisation.

We want to build long-term relationships with our sponsors, and to use these connections to help create communities and workplaces where Carers are recognised and valued. 

How can you help?

There are lots of ways that you can support the organisation. This might be through:

Financial Contribution

You may choose to support the Centre through one off donations, regular donations or fundraising within your organisation.  The amount you donate is up to you, every penny helps.

In-kind Donations

You may be able to support us by donating goods and/or services to the Centre or the Carers that we support. Depending on your business, this might be providing refreshments for groups, free treatments for Carers, raffle prizes or tickets to events or attractions.

Discounted Services

You may be able to offer the Centre discounted rates for your services, or you may be able to offer a discount for registered Carers e.g. 10% discount for Carers Card holders, or free entry for Carers.

How can we help you?

We want to upport you as much as possible to become a Carer friendly organisation. Some of the ways we can help are:

Carer Positive Award

We can provide support with becoming a Carer Positive accredited organisation. We have links with Carer Positive and can help you access training and resources to achieve your certificate.

Carer Positive Logo
Carer Awareness Training

We can deliver training sessions within your workplace to help employees self-identify as Carers, and to support them to identify Carers in your customer base.

Promotion & Advertising

We can promote your organisation as a Carer Aware business through our magazine and social media sites. These reach a collective client base of over 2500 local people.


The first step is to have a chat with us about the ways in which you could support the organisation, and what support we can offer you in return. Contact Denise on or call the Centre on 01786 447003 to find out more about the benefits of becoming a sponsor.